We want to make your shopping experience easy and comfortable, so we have taken measures to guarantee all orders you place with us will be safe and secure. We use the latest in security technology to ensure personal information stays safe.

We use the industry standard encryption protocol known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to keep your information secure and protected from outside parties when transmitted from your computer to our server. We constantly update our security procedures and enhance our site to meet the very latest encryption standards.

Safe Purchases Over the Phone
If you would prefer to purchase your fine jewelry over the telephone or at our Store location(s), please contact one of our Diamond and Jewelry Consultants during our Store Hours. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have, take your order, process your credit card payment or assist you in arranging for a bank wire transfer.

Please click to see our contact information and store location(s) >

Baker & Baker Jewelers insures all orders in shipment. That means from our doors to yours, your purchase is under our protection. For your protection, a signature is required upon delivery.